Sunday, July 17, 2011

cara nak guna arabic font untuk laptop

walaupun ramai dah tau *rasanya*
tapi still gak nak buat utk versi aku.. *mana la tau mash ada yg x tahu*
so's the step...

Go to "Control Panel"

Go to "Change keyboard or other input methods"

Click "Change Keyboard"

Click "Add" cari Arabic then click 'Apply" and "Ok"

Go to "Accessories"

Click "On-Screen Keyboard"

Tadaaa....dh pun utk yg xdop
sticker utk keyboard boley la guna
On-Screen Keyboard

Sedikit ilmu utk dikongsikan bersama...
Selamat mencuba ya...

1 jari-jari menaip komen:

esamuddin said...

مبروك يا أختي moga bermanfaat buat semua :)

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