Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Nak Kongsi Pasal SENYUM...

Entah kenapa mengapa,,,
malam ini rasa nak cari gambo pasal S-M-I-LE
dah jumpe then download
suka sangat2

gambo ni bukan hak milik ceq, ceq download ja, mr.google bagi.

then...post kat Facebook.
maklumla..gambo comey.hehe
tapi adalah tambahan sikit...
biasalah..ceq kan suka part wat meaning word in my own way.haha
present to you
wat a smile means to me

S > stop for a while from showing your sadness
M > make your day
I > in other to earn a smile, you should invest a smile too
L > lets share your smile to other people around you
E > expands your social network just by start to give a smile

 idea tiba2 dan selebihnya terpaksa digodek2...

"Senyum kan satu sedekah"
Senyum selalu.

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