Friday, April 29, 2011

- GoodbYe -

if i'm not mistaken. . .
aku putus ngan nya on 24/25 apr . .
it's NO MORE about him .
sebab putus ???
and dah JODOH takat ya jak . .
apa leh wat....
we can only WISH,
but it is beyond our WILL.

xpa...da hikmahnya...
life is too SHORT to REGRET,
life is too _____ to FORGET.

hmm....START a new LIFE as a SINGLE woman again... is more FUN to be SINGLE. . .
tak perlu JAGA HATI
tak rasa KECIL HATI
tak selalu SEDIH
tak juga KECEWA
tak ada RAJUK
tak jadi GADUH
segala-galanya TAK lah. . .

i think there is no need for me to explain from A to Z about this fullstop

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